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HAVA Cluster – Modern

Filtration control


A customer had ageing infrastructure of a HP Generation 7 and older hardware level and Windows Server 2008 R2 Operating system levels. Along with Windows 7 client and Office 2010 level.

With Microsoft ending support for these products in February 2020, there was a critical need to migrate the customer away from these aging products and into newer hardware and software.


Site audits of the server and client hardware and software were conducted. Meeting with the customer and offering several options, they took the option to upgrade some recently bought machines to Windows 10 with SSD and RAM upgrades.

The server hardware could not be upgraded economically, so it was decided to replace with new. The customers requirement was for a minimal downtime environment, and as such it was decided to have a Hyper-V Failover cluster with High Availability over 2 nodes, running Windows Server 2019 Datacentre.

The old servers were audited, and their functions were migrated into new VM servers in the cluster over the course of 6 months.

The old Exchange server was migrated to Office365 for emails and later, for Teams functionality.

Line of Business applications were migrated into the cluster to individual servers (whereas they were on one physical server previously) in order to reduce potential downtime or issues.

Over 5 TB of data was migrated into the cluster, with redundant onsite and offsite backups setup to create an encompassing solution to any potential Disaster Recovery situation.

Impact and Advantage

The new cluster was an order of magnitude faster than the old servers, so there was an immediate speed increase for processing on LOBs and general data access. This coupled with the client upgrades and new machines, made the whole network for the users a better experience and downtime was reduced for the users waiting for things to happen.

The site now has a greatly reduced downtime situation with the cluster and newer backup scenario. This makes them more compliant in their industry for their regulators.

Office365 has been a massive boon for them, their users can easily remote work now, and this has helped a lot during the recent Corona Virus epidemic..

For more information about our services, please call us today on 01604 790979