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Moulton Parish Council – Email change over

Moulton Parish Council provides your local services. We strive to make Moulton a better place to live, work and visit. Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do.


Moulton Parish Council historically had an email system before there was any standardisation across all of Northampton’s Parish Councils. This standardisation of email systems was created by NCALC (another customer of ours) in 2024.

Therefore they needed to move over to use the new domain name for their website and email communications.


We communicated with MPC and NCALC and made sure that this could be achieved.

We then planned with MPC a date and project managed the move over with little disruption for the MPC Staff and Councillors.

We also supported the moveover post changeover, for any Councillors who needed extra help after the changeover on their machines.

Impact and Advantage

The Parish Council are now adherent to the new 2024 Standard of communications as needed going forward and the changeover had little impact on their day-to-day running.

For more information about our services, please call us today on 01604 790979