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Free IT Healthcheck

We will send an engineer to your site for free for a FREE health check (within the Northamptonshire and surrounding areas) to check over all aspects of your network and IT and to talk to you about your IT infrastructure.The engineer will then write-up and email you a report on this visit for your perusal and action if required.

This report will break down your network into the following areas – Security – Performance – Growth & Status.

Our engineers will scrutinise the following areas:

  • Network Speeds – Can they be sped up? Is there a network mismatch
  • Event logs – Are they showing significant errors? Are they being checked? Are you being hacked?
  • System health – Are there IT hardware failures? Is the server overheating? Disk space issues?
  • Incorrect software – Are you running out of date software? Is there software misconfiguration?
  • Anti Virus – Is there any installed? Is it up to date? Is it doing what it should do?
  • Internet connection – Are you getting connection drops? Is the connection right for you?
  • Backup solution – Do you have one? Is it working? Should you look to cloud backup?
  • Cloud Solutions – Office 365, Azure, SaaS, Email Filtering

To qualify for this FREE assessment, you need to be based within Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Peterborough or Buckinghamshire with a business operating a server and not be an existing customer.

Complete the online form via the link below and an engineer will contact you as soon as possible.