OEM Resellers Unable to Sell Windows 7 from October 31st
The business changing Windows 7 operating system that we all know and love is going the way of the dinosaurs! We know a lot of you still love this operating system and are not ready for Windows 10 but change is coming, and is coming fast.
With Windows 10 being released over a year ago, the time has come to start to say goodbye to Windows 7! From the end of October 2016 OEM resellers such as ourselves will be unable to source and sell Windows 7 to customers, with this it will mean that the only operating system that you can purchase a new system with will be Windows 10.
If any of your line of business software’s require Windows 7 or any older hardware require Windows 7 then Ashby Computers are asking you to consider the above and what it will mean for your company. This will mean either
- New Hardware (Printers, Scanners & Input devices) will be required for your next new machine
- New Software (Line of business applications & Bespoke software) will be required for your next new machine
- Purchase a new Windows 7 machine while you still can!!!
This deadline is imposed by Microsoft and once stock has been sold we will be unable to source any further machines.
Should you wish to discuss what this will mean for you and your business then please don’t hesitate to get in contact ASAP.
alternatively you might want to consider our product of the week which has the option of Windows 7 and Windows 10
#Windows7 #Windows10 #Software