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The Top 3 Data Breaches of 2020

The Top 3 Data Breaches of 2020 Information regarding the top breaches that happened in the past 12 months, did you know they occurred? Did or could they affect you?If you want more information on how to secure your business data call...

3 Things your IT Provider Should be Doing For You

3 Things your IT Provider Should be Doing For You Multi Factor Authentication Securing your business system with the free of charge security features Testing your backups and checking daily Ensuring your backup runs and passes and ensuring you can rely on those...

3 reasons not to get mad when your machine does updates

3 reasons not to get mad when your machine does updates Security These updates secure your machine and patch known faults Drivers Systems will run smoother if the most up to date drivers are installed Improvements New features and upgraded systems Please make contact...

Tame Technology When Working from Home

Tame Technology When Working from Home Disable notifications Disable notifications for non-work related applications, these can be distracting and stop you concentrating on your role. Time to Unplug Remember to take break from the laptop, remember to take your breaks...